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Busan Dong-a University Hospital Medical Checkup Center

See All Comprehensive Check Up Hospitals

Comprehensive examination center

Korea’s comprehensive medical examination center has the best technology and medical service in the world. We have the services you need right now.

General hospital health checkup

We are partnered with Korea’s general hospitals with best facilities and best medical staff that pay attention to the global medical community. Various services are provided for Korean residents living abroad such as image check-ups and accommodation check-ups.

Medical Services that promises trust and the future of customers!

We contribute to the healthy life of mankind by providing the best medical services in the spirit of trust, service and humanity.

Dong-A University Hospital opened in 1990 with the basic ideology of ‘trust, service, and humanity’ and currently has 36 departments, 30 specialized centers, 100 special clinics, and 1,000 beds. It has established itself as a representative university hospital in Busan as an excellent hospital” and “a hospital with excellent medical service quality” recognized by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy.

Dong-A University Hospital is doing its best to secure excellent medical personnel, introduce cutting-edge medical equipment, and create a comfortable high-quality treatment space to further focus on its role as “a university hospital specializing in severe treatment based on an advanced intelligent system”.


Health Checkup Details

부산 동아대 검진 (한, 영) 2023_page-0004
부산 동아대 검진 (한, 영) 2023_page-0003

건강검진 상세내용 (남성)


620,000 원

  • 신체계측, 체지방분석, 혈압측정, 심전도, 안저, 안압, 시력, 청력검사,대변, 소변
  • 간기능검사, 췌장효소검사(2종), 간염검사(A,B,C형 간염),지질검사, 혈중칼슘농도조절호르몬, 당뇨검사
  • 갑상선기능검사,종양표지자 5가지(간암, 대장암, 전립선암(남),췌장암, 폐암), 신기능검사, 전해질검사
  • 혈액형검사, 면역혈청검사(매독, AIDS), 일반혈액검사, 심혈관혈액검사(2종), 흉부방사선검사
  • 복부초음파검사, 골밀도검사, 위내시경, 위수면내시경 포함

건강검진 상세내용 (여성)


680,000 원

  • 신체계측, 체지방분석, 혈압측정, 심전도, 안저, 안압, 시력, 청력검사, 대변, 소변
  • 간기능검사, 췌장효소검사(2종), 간염검사(A,B,C형 간염), 지질검사, 혈중칼슘농도조절호르몬, 당뇨검사
  • 갑상선기능검사, 종양표지자 5가지(간암, 대장암, 난소암(여), 췌장암, 폐암), 신기능검사, 전해질검사
  • 혈액형검사, 면역혈청검사(매독, AIDS), 일반혈액검사, 심혈관혈액검사(2종), 흉부방사선검사, 유방촬영(여), 액상자궁경부세포검사(여), 인유두종바이러스(여)
  • 복부초음파검사, 골밀도검사, 위내시경, 위수면내시경 포함

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K-Meditour, your health is our top priority. If you have any questions or would like more information, please feel free to contact us at the contact information below and we are happy to help.. 

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