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Catholic University Bucheon St. Mary’s Hospital Medical Checkup Center

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Comprehensive examination center

Korea’s comprehensive medical examination center has the best technology and medical service in the world. We have the services you need right now.

General hospital health checkup

We are partnered with Korea’s general hospitals with best facilities and best medical staff that pay attention to the global medical community. Various services are provided for Korean residents living abroad such as image check-ups and accommodation check-ups.

Through reinvention projects
Implementing a patient-centered medical paradigm!

We are a patient-centered hospital that provides a comfortable and safe environment and the best treatment.

The Catholic University of Korea Bucheon St. Mary’s Hospital is the first university hospital in Bucheon.
Since its opening in 1958, it has provided the best medical services and has contributed to the medical development and health promotion of local communities.

Providing a comfortable and safe environment and the best treatment for all customers visiting Bucheon St. Mary’s Hospital
We are still working on the extension of the parking lot and the expansion of the operating room, and we are preparing to introduce robotic surgery.


Health Checkup Details

Catholic University Bucheon St. Mary’s Hospital 2023 EN_01
Catholic University Bucheon St. Mary’s Hospital 2023 EN_02
Catholic University Bucheon St. Mary’s Hospital 2023 EN_03

건강검진 상세내용 (남성)


900,000 원 

1. 기초검사 및 비만도 평가

A. 검진항목: 신장, 체중, 혈압, 비만도등신체계측및문진

B. 관련질환: 유전적소향등전반적인건강상태파악

2. 임상병리검사

A. 검진항목:

혈액: 간암, 췌장암, 대장암, 전립선암, 난소암등5대암간, 신장, 당뇨, 갑상선기능, 빈혈등

소변: 당뇨, 단백료, 요로감염, 잠혈, 신장계 질환

B. 관련질환: 각종암검사, B형,C형, A형간염,당뇨, 빈혈, 갑상선등기타내과질환

3. 안과검사

A. 검진항목:

시력: 근거리, 원거리 시력 측정

안압: 녹내장 유무

안저: 백내장, 고혈압성, 당뇨성, 동맥경화성 변화 관찰

B. 관련질환: 시력교정유무판단 녹내장등안과질환

4. 청력검사

A. 검진항목: 난청 등 청력 장애 유무

B. 관련질환: 난청, 소음성 난청

5. 구강검진

A. 검진항목: 충치, 치은염, 치주염, 악관절질환등진단

B. 관련질환: 기타치과질환

6. 심전도검사

A. 검진항목: 허혈성심질환등심장질환진단

B. 관련질환: 부정맥, 심근경색등

7. 폐기능검사

A. 검진항목: 폐활량선별및호흡곤란정도

B. 관련질환: 폐색성및제한성폐질환

8. 흉부X선검사

A. 검진항목: 기관지, 늑막, 폐질환, 심장비대등검사

B. 관련질환: 폐결핵, 폐기종등

9. 복부CT

A. 검진항목: 간, 비장, 신장, 췌장, 담낭(담석) 등복부질환

B. 관련질환: 간경화,간암, 췌장암등

10. 위내시경(수면)

A. 검진항목: 내시경을통하여직접질환확인(조직검사가능)

B. 관련질환: 식도, 위, 십이지장염증,궤양, 소화기암

11. 부인과검진

A. 검진항목: 자궁경부세포진검사, 냉검사, 검진(내진)

B. 관련질환: 자궁경부암, 염증

12. 유방X선촬영

A. 검진항목: 유선염, 양성종양, 유방암등유방질환진단

B. 관련질환: 유방양성종양, 유방암등

13. 골밀도검사

A. 검진항목: 요추및대퇴부의골밀도정도파악

B. 관련질환: 골감소증,골다공증

14. 생체나이측정

A. 검진항목: 검진결과를토대로건강상태파악및상담

B. 관련질환: 신체나이측정

15. 종합판정/상담

A. 검진항목: 결과지제공

B. 관련질환: 이상소견시진료연계

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K Medical Tour has signed MOUs with more than 20 hospitals in Korea that partnered with the most prestigious medical care, and is the only trusted company in the United States to attract medical and Korean tourism by conducting the best medical tours more than 20 times a year. The experience people had with KMedicalTour and the services we acutely provide are the best services you cannot experience anywhere else. K Medical Tour is working hard every day for a healthier life for you.